On the Subject of Adult
Child Support in the United States of America
The United States of America
treats ax murders that just got out of prison better than
men who have to pay fully grown adult child support for
grown children over the age of 18 years old, who's adult
children are currently contributing to the tax
system through their own payroll checks at their own grown
up jobs in the American economy.
This is a double tax on a man's
sperm cells...
You see...
The government keeps every penny
garnished after the kid turns 18 yrs old. Then proceeds to
effectively reduce the productivity of the American
economy by employing people to literally rip apart the
lives of men who literally participated in building every
structure on the face of America.
These men now reaching into their
40's have participated in one shape, form or another
through being part of the American work force and gaining
valuable work experience that can be reentered into the
American economy after the kids turn 18 years old.
If the American government
continues "legally murdering" these
fathers of adult children through inflated financial
charges and radical limits on passports and professional
licenses, after the kids turn 18 years old, to the point a
old father freezes to death on a city sidewalk...
This type of action simply
limits a straight man who loves women, in the sense of
having the freedom to start and run their own business,
with all the work and training accomplished prior to
their sperm cell being 18 years of age.
Now that youth is not on his
side, that makes him less likely to enter a entry level
job as a broke man in his 40's that has supported himself,
a ex wife, and her new husband including her new 2 kids,
from the new husband.
This man in his 40's for the
majority of his life has been victim to the Fags in
the American government in regards to a vicious wage
garnishment process surgically and routinely delivered by
the United States government...
This insane political corruption
coming from the United States Fag White House
has to stop at 18 years old, so this man now in his 40's
can move on to run his own business since his entry level
jobs have ultimately expired.
If we citizens with enough
awareness do not wake up!
This United States gig, will soon
systematically be over as you can now see from the current
poor economic and moral condition of the United States of
The majority of the kids now a
day's walk around with their pants below their ass,
because they have had no daddy around due to the financial
stress of the thumb of Fag and Lesbian government in the
good old United States of America.
It this American child support
enforcement over the age of 18 continues there will no
longer be a civilized country to wake up to in the morning
on the borders of the United States of America.
Us father's need a relief of
government pressure once the kid turns 18 years old.
Enough is enough!
No more B.S.!
America wake up and stand
up for your country. Stop being a little Hollywood Fag!
We the people need to
dismantle the evil protocol that chases down men that have grown children
over the age of 18, then continually strategically
utilizes government paid manpower hours to habitually
harass these men that have already paid over
$57,600 in child support...
For more child support, simply to
support United States 2013 national president
"Obama's" cigarette addiction!
This is why there are so many
homeless men on the street of the United States.
Men are working 40 hours per week and end
up frozen to death on the public sidewalks of the
United States of America, then immediately thrown into a
body bag as a "John Doe" (unknown person)
because their United States government garnished net
weekly pay check is:
$27.61(twenty seven dollars
and sixty one cents) after child support and
tax deductions...
I, Mr. Gabriel De La Vega
Jr.,voluntarily have become the advocate
(voice) for these dead straight men, who died and
are presently at this very moment dying of United States
of America fully grown adult child support enforcement on
the public sidewalks of America!
The United States fag
(homosexual) and lesbian government has extremely gone too
These ferocious
political animals regulating this evil adult
child support national wage garnishment protocol
need to be locked up in prison for
murder! Of innocent fellow straight men, who's
only crime was loving a woman...
Then immediately with out any
further questions write off any existing financial
negative balance on the subject of a mans living fully
grown adult (USA) tax paying sperm
These animals in the United
States government that are less human than my pet dog,
this deadly, lethal political party in charge of our semen
and blood cells should not have fag and
lesbian authority to hunt down 80 year old men to their
death bed on the tax payers dime, for adult children that
are already paying taxes into the American financial
system to compensate the inflated and fabricated negative
adult child support balance.
This is United States of America
approved slow, day by day
legal murder of hard working, straight, mature
men who can contribute their work experience and knowledge
to the survival of the American economy.
These ruthless, heartless,
2013 governmental retarded fag politicians
in the United States congress and white house
are the living bacteria that is
eroding the American national deficit
at an alarming historical rate of lightning speed directly
into the depths of a very prophesied biblical hell.
Facebook locked me out of my account simply because I was
using my United States constitutional freedom of speech to
express my thoughts about the United States Government.
Everything I said about the United States Government and
the people that live in the United States is simply my
point of view, which is the bona fide truth according to
the way I see it, and I honestly gave the plain truth as I
honestly see it.
Honesty is the best policy in any moral society.
This is a very scary scenario when we the people of the
world give up our pictures and guts to a free service like
FaceBook, then we simultaneously build them up to be a
monster with billions of our advertising dollars.
All a sudden every business in the world is now dependent
on this monster the internet community of the world
Then "FaceBook" can lock you out and somewhat control your
finances and freedom of speech if you do not know how to
make and host your own web site.
Before long FaceBook and the Untied Nations of the world,
will be knocking down your bedroom door while you and your
wife are asleep, then they will demand sex from your wife
at gunpoint while you and your children are supposed to
simply watch.
If you allow any government control to take your gun. This
is what will happen.
That's what's headed this way if you the people of the
world, do not learn how to make and host your own web
What’s going on here with facebook is simply the beginning
of a complete dictatorship of the world’s thoughts and
actions which is consistently day by day looking like
FaceBook wants to control the pure truth of what is
happening in your day to day living environment.
The truth should be
Not suppressed! Everyone in the world needs to learn how to make their own
web site like the one you are now on to prevent a complete
take over of your mind and dollars in your wallet by a
giant monster like Facebook and Google ECT. As these self
created giants start controlling your every thought and
what you ought to say and think in a public book that you
create on your own "FaceBook" website that they govern in
accordance with the United Nations world government out of
New York City, New York (USA).
Suppressing the truth about government is not going to
solve any problems in government or else on your dinner
plate, bank account and what happens in your elementary
school your kid attends. It’s simply going to create more
problems by not facing the truth.
People of the world wake up and smell the coffee. Create
your own websites and freely express your own opinions
about the evil and pure 100% filth in your society as your
eyeballs view it in real-time action.
People of the world, don’t be dictated by "Facebook"
The criminal crimes these institutions and individuals in
public office and police uniforms commit should be
exposed, then tried in a court next to a tree with a big
long rope attached to it, or else simply the deepest
darkest jail that will prepare them to live with Satan in
Generally speaking, every sober man and woman on earth
knows the difference between right and wrong to some
degree of rational measurement. And every elected and non
elected public servant of government should be evaluated
before entering a position of public duty, to
comprehend what is right and what is wrong when crucial
decisions are made on the behalf of the people they serve.
In conclusion FaceBook is nothing more than Big BrotherUnited Nations of the
World located in:
political corruption
capitol of the world New York City, New York (USA)… Its also home of the American Israel Jews and home to the
American Italian Mofia which is located in New York City,
New York , United States of America.
FaceBook is
simply giving you the people of the world an alternative
to making your own website, on your own servers, with your
own domain name.
The reason FaceBook is doing this is: to control your
every thought and opinion about anything. As a matter of
fact, in my opinion the United Nations put together
projects similar to FaceBook and funded the projects start
up cost with your United States tax dollars simply to
control your thoughts and actions. In other words, its
simply a totalitarian rule by the current political party
that is currently elected into office and is currently
controlling every tax dollar that comes out of your pay
check down to the nickles and dimes, but they will leave
you a few penny's, simply as gesture to laugh in your
For some reason
the Fag (homosexuals and perverted women who think
they can replace a man's penis) politicians in the
United States Government can take down nations,
but they can not take down:
Mr. Gabriel De
La Vega Jr.
As hard as they try by giving me over 130 United
States police traffic tickets, kidnapping my
precious fatherly bonding time and authority of my
children, who are now grown children in the year
In year 2013 my adult children are in their 20's
(twenty's), to irradiate, the adult kids are in
the 20's age group and
the United States of
America Fag (homosexual) politicians are charging
me a interest fee on my own sperm cells, which are
my children... This government scheme that originated somewhere
in the depths of our United States Government, all
started in December, 1993 with the corrupt United
States government assisting the Henderson, Nevada
police department for lying, by saying I kicked
their lying corrupt police officer "Bostick" in
the groin (balls) and literally kidnapping my
fatherly Godly rights to my now adult children on
this false charge...
This cop with federal protection of Fag laws and
politicians has given the
$$$ money hoarding
United States $$$ Fag (homosexual)
politicians false authority to enforce adult child
support of my very own adult children who are now
over the age of 18...
Today in the year 2013 as of my last pay check
they are taking
95% percent of my
earned income through wage garnishments and
government related police induced fee's.This typical scenario has been a routine for me
since December, of: 1993.
No joke, this
is real!
Once the kids hit 18 years old all adult child
support enforcement should immediately be stopped!
The adult kids aren't getting the money, The
United States money hoarding government is getting
the money.
Today as of the year 2013, the United States
Government want's $43,000 more dollars out of me
for adult child support, plus an array of
additional taxes, after I all ready paid
close to $57,600 dollars in USA child support and
some nickels, dimes and some adult males faces I
put my fist through.
I paid $800.00 a month from January 1994
to December in the year 2000 which is roughly
$800.00 (eight hundred dollars per month) x12 =
$9,600 x 6 years which equals out to be in the
neighborhood of $57,600...
Today in the year 2013 I know for a fact the adult
kids aren't getting the money and the undercover
closet bi-sexual mother of my children is not
getting the money, simply because I talk to my
adult kids about their college money that I don't
have at this moment...
How can an official United States politician who
is a bona-fide open, public fag (homosexual) in
any way relate or even attempt to understand what
the American Voters need in this type of straight
(heterosexual) adult male - female domestic
problem solving crisis?
The answer is: It's not humanly possible,
simply because a fag (homosexual) is a immature
animal created by Satan the Devil, who simply has
more sin and male butt sex evil for the solution
to the crisis...
In other words, sometimes you simply can't fix
According to all my true and honest personal data
on this enormous web site
with over 3,000 files and counting, it should be
absolutely against the federal law of the United
States of America, to allow a fag (homosexual) in
any type of fag (homosexual) category, closet fag
- open end fag- public fag ect., into a public
ruling law making government office, at any level,
including kindergarten teachers and especially the
fact that fags (homosexuals) should not be allowed
in our United States Military.
If this can happen to me, it can happen to you,
wake up authentic Christian America!
After all
“I’m still standing”.
Because, I’m a real true authentic Christian:
"American" I promise you the American people as long as I’m
standing all these corrupt politicians and corrupt
police officers will be overthrown and locked in government
jails,that we
the straight manual labor force people of America,
and imported people of Mexico crafted with our own
All the leftover corruption will be dealt with by
our heavenly Father who has the ultimate power of
granting heaven or hell to the leftover corrupt
politicians and law enforcement officers of the
United States of America!
God's people the authentic Christians are going to
clean house in the next upcoming years in the
forthcoming history of the United States...
Simply, because us true people of God have no
choice, we simply have to clean the filth of Satan
that is staining the surface of America, and who
is constantly fighting every attempt that we the
people of God put forth to sterilize America's
evil filth.
“Face Book” just locked me out of
my own account. It looks like the United States Government
controls “Face Book” and they do not want me to publicly
use my free speech about how downright, lowlife corrupt
they are on Face Book!
I believe Zig Ziggler a
famous motivational speaker said 1 in 4 Americans now works
for the government.This explains why
our country is going deeper into financial debt and why
it’s turning into a totalitarian rule just like other
European countries. (
to·tal·i·tar·i·an (t -t l -târ - n). adj. Of, relating to,
being, or imposing a form of government in which the
political authority exercises absolute and centralized
control ...) (From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)
If 1 out of 4 Americans is
working for the government that leaves 3 out of 4
Americans to create national and world output for the rest
of America. When I say world output I mean mining for gold
in the ground and selling the raw gold to a craftsman to
make a gold necklace, who than forwards that gold necklace
to a salesman who makes the sale and the taxes are
deducted from his check to pay for all the government
workers who are vegetating in front of their television
sets waiting for that government check.
Every time a politician gets a fag (homosexual) hair up
his butt he creates a new law that limits the productivity
of the gold miner, gold craftsman and then the gold sales
Once this cycle continues non stop it turns in to
political insanity and that is how revolutions are
started. The 1st step the United
States of America is putting into place is the up most and
priority of the fat cats at the top of government which
is: take our guns just incase we the working people decide
we don’t like our current government politicians, and
decide to lock them up in a government jail with the guns
we the people crafted with our own hands.
The crime these politicians are
committing is called:
(In law, treason is
the crime that covers some of the more extreme acts
against one's sovereign or nation. Historically, treason
also covered the murder of specific social superiors, such
as the murder of a husband by his wife. Treason against
the king was known as high treason and treason against a
lesser superior was petty treason. A person who commits
treason is known in law as a traitor.) (From Wikipedia,
the free encyclopedia)
wake up!
At this time in December of 2012 all
the state and national politicians of the United States of
America are criminals.They only want
to take your guns so they can teach elementary school
children to have Fag butt sex and the taxpayers of the
United States of America will pay the bill for the free
rubbers (condoms).
(homosexual) politicians want to take your guns so when
you get upset about this they can utilize your own
children who grew up to be fag disobedient police officers
and National Guard members to shoot you dead as a door
nail because you do not have a right to own a gun.
America you definitely have to stop
these gun laws from being passed and we the people need to
imprison every politician and fag homosexual who wants to
take our gun rights away.
Because jail with bars is where the
2012 United States politicians belong for trying to take
away our constitutional right to bear arms in America.
It's called
(In law, treason is the crime that covers some of the more
extreme acts against one's sovereign or nation.
Historically, treason also covered the murder of specific
social superiors, such as the murder of a husband by his
wife. Treason against the king was known as high
treason and treason against a lesser superior was petty
treason. A person who commits treason is known in law as
a traitor.) (From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia)
Our media is so controlled.
Cnn News I Report asks for our opinion. But when you get
ready to upload your opinion it clearly states you can not
insult the fags (homosexuals).
What’s Up!
If you want the real news you are going to have to let
real people express their opinions.
The terms and conditions of their web site is the exact
problem with this country because they are protecting the
fags (homosexuals) of this country.
If our freedom of speech is yanked from us on major
websites like CNN, none of our problems will ever be
discussed and their will continuously be more disorder and
violence brewing in the streets of America.
The video linked to
this page shows you in black and white...
On United States Government paper, that the U.S.
government has been planning to confiscate America’s
domestic guns since the early 1960’s.
All the pieces fit together once you see this video.
America please wake up and buy more guns for your
household before the police of America walk into your
house and rape your wife, daughter and mother while they
are still wearing their police uniform.
According to this video several on duty New Orleans police
in uniform raped a resident woman in New Orleans in her
house during the flood.
The National Guard kicked in the door of an upper scale
house and punched an old lady in the face in her own
house, then confiscated and permanently stole her small
pistol gun revolver out of her hand.
According to all the public information available and my
personal, honest, first hand up front experience, with how
the Henderson, Nevada (USA) police take pleasure and
laughter in telling a lie that negativity jeopardized the
financial and physical safety of my family and ultimately
separated and dissolved my family, by destroying my family
of 4 with legal financial fines and fag (homosexual) hog
wash from within the governmental state of Nevada, that is
linked to the White House in Washington D.C., by utilizing
a couple of police officers lying and saying I kicked
Henderson, Nevada (USA) police office Bostick in the groin
(balls), in the year 1993.
I’m totally convinced looking at the government documents
of this video from the 1960’s, that it’s all part of the
plan to disarm America…
I feel I’m a target of this U.S. government plan because
of my Military background and my military ability to
physically defend myself plus other people around me from
the current corruption of the majority of Military people
who would not question why they are killing their fellow
The plan is to financially or physically exterminate as
many U.S. veterans like my self who are honest and loyal
and not corrupted in any way to the extent to assist the
current evil government from the depths of hell in their
plans to take all the guns from America.
After they take the guns there is the possibility they
will use all the females as play toys. After they do what
they want with the females they will either make all the
males of America into fags or else simply shoot the males
in the head or worse.
According to all the public data we Americans who are
straight and believe in God should take this threat
serious and stock up on guns and bullets and accessories
immediately after understanding the true intentions of the
current and past American government since the early
Our evil fags in this current United States government are
begging for war and expect us to hand over our gun rights
with a whimper.
Us real straight God fearing Americans have to display the
glory and power of God and Jesus and the Holy Spirit when
we are commanded to defend the word of God which is the
Holy living Christian Bible and our close family like our
mother, wife and daughter.
All the males of the United States need to start
immediately training in the physical training of an all
out defense against our current evil United States police
and government regardless of your race and never give up
your guns to criminals in police uniforms who claims they
want your gun in the name of liberty, which is absolutely
I’m by no means one of the
world’s great bible scholars, but just looking around at
the perverted evil coming out of the United States White
House in Washington, DC...
I can surely assure you, we are living in the last chapters of the Bible.
The perverted evil has surfaced before my eyes and has
been so great in the last 30 years, that it has continued
to escalate at a phenomenal speed into the year 2012 to
the point God and his angels are ready to physically take
over the planet we call earth.
Okay, let’s review what’s been
going on in the United States of America since at least
the year 1950:
Since the year 1950 a slow number of closet fags have been
coming out of the closet. These men really do not like
women they simply want to be a woman. On the same token a
bunch of women decided they don’t like men and simply want
to be a man.
The way these women and men display their insanity is by
men dressing up as women and women dressing up as men.
Today in the year 2012 they call themselves’ “Gay” and
“Lesbian’s”. God calls this an “abomination”.
These people for 1: are insane.
These people for 2: have to answer to God for their
These people for 3: need to repent to God and ask Jesus to
come into their life and fill them with the Holy Spirit to
overcome the sexual evil in their life that comes directly
from Satan.
These people for 4: are a group of un- Godly evil animals
who need to immediately realize that sex really is not
that important...
Once these people are boiling in the flames of hell, they will look back
at what they done on the surface of earth. They will claim
if they had another chance they would not commit sexual
They will claim that they will not commit related common
evil sin against their own family members and would accept
But, Jesus, God and the Holy Spirit know's exactly what
they would do if they had another chance to do it all over
These possessed creatures of Satan, are simply evil and do
not want to get married to the right sex in the way God
designed us to get married. They simply want to have sex
outside of God’s way of getting married.
They simply are being evil 24 hours a day and pervert every living
creature on the planet, with the filth in between their
ears; in something they call a perverting un – Godly, un –
ethical brain!
The point I’m making is: if these people had another
chance to do it all over again, they would do the same
sexual sin all over again. The same sexual sin that sent
them to Hell and that is why they are in Hell!
You see some of these fag sociologists are right…
They are simply born that way.
People are born sinners and will never change no matter
how many chances they get. Just like Satan the fallen
angle, no matter how many chances God gives Satan to
change, he will continue to be evil and that is why Hell
is reserved for Satan and all the Gay Fags and Lesbians.
This is very simple and not difficult to figure out.
Once again I must
irradiate and make this very clear…
If you voted for this Fag president Obama, and you are all
for Fag rights, you are severely possessed by the devil
and have mental problems.
If you think Fag butt sex should be taught in elementary
schools across the Untied States while the parents may or
may not have their hands tied behind the back of the chair
by a wall of United States law’s that believe this kind of
governmental behavior is acceptable…
Once again, I must say, you are clearly out of your mind!
In the 1950’s in the United States of America by the law
you where considered an insane individual if you do not
like the female species and simply wanted to become a
What happened?
Did the devil change America’s mind or did you the Obama
voters do that all on your own.
From the current looks of things according to United
States President Obama’s Fag pictures of himself kissing
other male species, he must have hid the truth from at
least half of America.
This means there is a cover up of Obama’s lifestyle coming
from the fag community and the White House which now looks
like the same community of Fags.
So, now in the United States, if you are a straight
individual male or female, you are considered insane and
out of your mind by the current government of the United
What a flip of character in only 60 years…
Well, if this is the true facts of what’s going on and the
most powerful voice of our United States government is a
true bona – fide Fag according to his speech and fag
photo’s. God is very interested in President Obama simply
because he has caught God’s attention and God even put a
word in the bible for Obama, its called "abomination".
What I think happened over the years of translating the
bible someone got mixed up and used the word abomination,
when the real word is Obama’s – Nation.
God made it clear that Obama’s – Nation is a nation of
disgust. The word abomination means disgust to God and
others who do sexual evil.
Their simply has to be some sort of correlation since the
2 words are so close to each other and have the exact same
After today’s
election results, it’s pretty obvious more people are
from reality and they are simply filled with the spirit of Satan.
Yes, this country has leadership from the devil Satan. Only Satan
can allow a Fag oriented president
named Obama to run the United States of America!
"All you Fag homosexual)
who voted for Obama are just plain
speak only the pure 100% truth!
Yes! All you Fags are animals, worse than
a pig in a pile of mud, more evil than a terd in a toilet.
man who sticks his God given baby maker up another man's butt hole
isEvil. Any man who takes
a God given baby maker up the butt is Evil.
Any President
of the United States of America, black, brown, yellow, white who
verbally affirms all rights for fags is Evil...
The unmistaken "exact" true reality is:
52% of the American voting population are Fag (homosexual)
orientated evil "abomination" (Obama's - Nation) animals who need
I woke up this morning and this picture
was missing off my home page. Only the shadow government has the
power to do this.
Please be my guest to copy and print this picture and make a
bumper sticker out of it!
Paste it on a very busy vehicle intersection.
Pin it to your church bulletin board.
Post it on a Billboard sign on the American Highway's.
Wake up your neighbors and save your country.
This very evil shadow government has to be exposed...
This picture was put together via the Holy Spirit and the search
engine Google, utilizing pictures floating on the internet and my
body. This picture literally exposes the face of Satan and it has
United States president Obama passionately, tightly, jointly
engaging in kissing a man on the lips who looks just like the mans
face in the smoke of the World Trade Center.
I really do not know the exact meaning of this picture, but I'm
sure the Holy Spirit simply is using me to pass this very unique,
coincidental information to you my brothers and sisters in Christ.
A close up view of this photo is shown in the video “My
Rottweiler Dog” (1 hour 22 minutes) near the end of the
video, click here for the video page...
This is a real, not fake, true evidence of a spiritual
encounter. You may just call this dirt but, we all need to
trust in Jesus right now! For the rest of our forever,
without a end life in "Heaven or Hell"!
All of ushumans on earth are not special, or better
than anyone else, simply because we all go to either“Heaven” or
“Hell” and we live under one (1) decision maker of
our destiny which is God (Jehovah), Jesus and the
Holy Sprit.
At this point in my life, I’m still a Microsoft Man!
I will buy a Microsoft product before I buy anyone else’s product.
Thank you, Bill Gates and the team at Microsoft.
(Obama's Nation = AbomiNation)
Daily Prayer...
In the name of Jesus...
I command all the evil demons of Hell...
To go back to Hell...
Where they belong...
And stay there forever...
In the name of the Father, Son, and
Holy Spirit…
This country is constantly being attacked by evil...
Fags (Homosexual's) are evil spiritual
demons from hell, that occupy a human body which is converted to a
Fag, which is sexual perversion, which causes spiritual (they go
to hell), human and pure moral - political - ethical - financial
and economic, plus physical death to all living creatures of God.
Any time a man sticks a penis up another man's butt, then kisses
another man on the lip's is, evil and an abomination to God and
the rest of us humans that believe God's way is the right way...
All us straight people need to out
vote the Fags this year in 2012, for the survival of the United
States of America...
I promise you the cop lied…
Because, the fact is: the cop lied…
So, the advantage to you is:
you now know the cop lied…
The real value to you isyou can now stop and recognize this cop is lying…
So, in your
opinion do you feel this cop should stop lying now